In an unexpected turn of events, Tony Trivaldo has called out MKW star LENBAI. It all started when a Chinese Pro Wrestling fan was touring Europe and attended a French Pro Wrestling promotion “ABC” live event. This Chinese pro wrestling approached ABC’s biggest star – after the event had already finished – and asked “Mr. Trivaldo, When are you going to come to China and teach LENBAI a lesson for being such a bully!?” Tony was then shown footage of LENBAI’s matches against TangGuoGe and Dalton Bragg taken from this fans Iphone 6 plus while he had attended one of MKW’s live events and as Tony Trivaldo watched in shock as LENBAI tried to break Dalton Bragg’s arm, he yelled “Somebody must teach LENBAI a lesson!”
Several phone calls and emails later between Tony Trivaldo’s agent and ABC vice president Rémy Soulié have taken place since then and we are working on the necessary paper work to get Tony Trivaldo into China for MKW’s January 16, 2016 event. The challenge is out there and it’s up to LENBAI to accept ..
I’m Tony Trivaldo, champion of French promotion ABC
I declare to to wrestle on January 16 in China for MKW.
I heard about a Taiwanese wrestler named LENBAI .. he tried to break the MKW champion’s arm ..
Is that how wrestling works in China? Cheap shots and breaking arms?
Do Chinese wrestler deserves this kind of behavior? Is this what LENBAI thinks TRUE pro wrestling is like?
No ! I’ll show you how the French do it!
I will fight according to our traditions! And you know what, I’ll also give you a lesson too!
You .. you try to break me, my arm, .. but Tony Trivaldo will break you!!
Je suis Tony Trivaldo champion par équipe de l’abc catch.
Je pars le 16 janvier en Chine pour la MKW.
J’ai entendu parlé d’un catcheur Taiwanais appelé LENBAI, il essaie de briser les champions de la MKW.
C’est comme sa qu’on lutte en Chine ?
Les catcheur chinois mérite ils ? Que d autre catcheur comme LENBAI les détruisent ?
Non ! Je vais te montrer comment nous les français on agit !
Je me battrai selon nos traditions ! Et tu sais quoi, je vais te donner une leçon !
Toi tu essaiera de me briser, mais moi tony trivaldo ! Je te brisera!