欢迎来到MKW摔角王国,中国最值得一看的职业摔角团队。 自2015起,MKW一直作为中国摔角界的领军人物和重心,不断为中国摔角开疆扩土,我们的目标是让中国式的摔角站在世界舞台之上,并成为世界摔角文化的重要组成部分。此外MKW摔角王国还拥有国内最稳定最现代化的训练中心,每年培养出的中国摔角手也活跃在国内乃至世界各地的赛事上。如果你也是一名有志于成为一名摔角手的追梦人,欢迎来到位于哈尔滨的MKW道场,在这里实现自己的梦想!再次欢迎来自世界各地的粉丝了解极具中国特色的MKW摔角王国

This is Middle Kingdom Wrestling(MKW) – the most Must-See professional wrestling organization from China! Since 2015, MKW has been at the front and center of pro wrestling in China and has been leading the way on the development of pro wrestling in China at large. Our goal is to make Chinese pro wrestling be synonymous with the best pro wrestling styles that the world has to offer. To Chinese fans and international fans, welcome to the unique and wonderful world of Middle Kingdom Wrestling – this is pro wrestling with Chinese characteristics!