MKW TV: Season 2
摔角王国: 第二季 6 Man International Tag Team Match
Supremacy | The Three Kings |
Big Sam
Black Mamba “The Statement” Andruew Tang |
The Eurasian Dragon Mystery Partner |
Black Mamba and his hired muscle Big Sam caused a quite stir at the MKW super 8 tournament event that was held in the summer. During the match between Ash and Black Mamba (MKW TV: Season 1 Episode 2), Big Sam assaulted Ash outside of the ring before running him into the ring post. This attack ended up costing Ash the match as well as a chance at the MKW championship as he failed to make it into the ring before the 10 count. Ash has changed after that lost by introducing a female valet who supported him in his victory against CWE original Jason. At a CWE show, Ash lost in a rematch to Jason due to interference from Black Mamba when he snuck in and hit a low blow on Ash. At another CWE show that was held in November, bad turned to worse for Ash when Big Sam distracted the referee for Black Mamba again to nail a low blow, which allowed King Michael to claim victory over Ash. Ash wants to get back at the team of Big Sam and Black Mamba therefore MKW owner, Adrian Gomez, has given Ash the opportunity by balancing the playing field and providing him with two partners. Big Sam is making his long awaited return to the ring after having surgery earlier in 2015 to reconnect his pectoral muscle, which he ripped while lifting over 400lbs on the bench press. He wants to show what MKW is missing as he combines size, a strong amateur freestyle wrestling background with roar aggression that he picked up working the streets as bouncer and as part of a security team. At a height of 195 centimeters (6’4”) and a weight easily over 110 kilograms, Big Sam is giving his side the size advantage.
Now there are three non MKW wrestlers involved in this furious six man tag. Joining Big Sam and Black Mamba is Singaporean pro wrestling champion, the self-proclaimed Statement of professional wrestling, Andruew Tang. A familiar face for those who have been keeping an eye on the Asian wrestling scene, Andruew Tang is the current champion of SPW. His recent rivalries are also joining him in this match as The Eurasian Dragon will be flying over from Singapore to try and get the admiration of the Chinese fans as he bring smiles and body-slams for everyone. The Eurasian Dragon has had an ongoing rivalry with Andruew Tang for a while as The Eurasian Dragon has his sights on the South-East Asian championship title. However, Ash and The Eurasian Dragon’s team lacks a third wrestler but Ash says he will wait until the show to announce the third member.
Dongguan in the South of China is the location and January 16th is the date for this crazy 6 man tag that will surely raise the level of the Chinese pro wrestling industry.