Ring name: Dalton Bragg (布拉格)
Born: 1990/07/06
Hometown: Chicago, IL, USA
Height, weight: 176cm / 80kg
Professional Wrestling Debut: 2009
Middle Kingdom Wrestling has truly become a global brand now – with Dalton Bragg setting his sights on China – MKW is proud to welcome its newest acquisition into the MKW roster! We are certain that MKW will surely provide the former MSWA Oklahoma Champion with a platform for the best competition in China. Having developed a reputation in America’s southern independent wrestling scene for his death defying stunts and impressive arsenal of maneuvers, Dalton Bragg brings his much earned arrogant attitude (but don’t think he cares to be holier than thou!) to the MKW family. Though his reasons for this Journey to the East are still mysterious to us and the MKW fan base, we hope to get to know this interesting character in the coming months