Building Pro-Wrestling in China
Chinese Pro Wrestling is difficult to understand at first and we here at MKW have worked our hardest to make it work in The Middle Kingdom. China has made its presense known around the world and thousands, if not, millions of business men have tried to bring a piece of the west to China. What’s interesting about Pro Wrestling though, is that it isn’t exactly “western” — considering it has large mind share in Japan and Mexico as well as several other countries.
Chinese Pro Wrestling is filled with some of the hardest working individuals I’ve ever encountered in my whole life — it’s not about money, it’s not about the fame — it’s about being able to wrestle because more than any other thing in the world, they consider themselves Chinese Pro Wrestlers. Chinese Pro Wrestling is still in a young stage, while WWE is the 4th most searched entry on Youku (Chinese version of Youtube,) and Tudou (another Chinese youtube,) wrestling in China is still something that needs more cultivating before it can truly become a national phenomenom like it is in other countries.
People always cite that China has 1.4 billion people and that all you need is 1% of the population to view or purchase or engage in your product to become a true success, to become a multimillionaire. Every few years a Chinese business tycoon will invest into making a WWE style pro wrestling show in China and put on a big show in a large arena and it never goes anywhere afterwards — why? Because emulating a WWE style show for a Chinese Pro Wrestling audience is not the correct way to go. MKW admires China in several ways but being a WWE copy-cat wrestling promotion will not make a successful wrestling promotion and Chinese wrestling promoters need to understand that.
Wrestling will always have good guys and bad guys and interesting characters, but you must think about the characteristics of your audience — Middle Kingdom Wrestling wants to bring Pro Wrestling with Chinese characteristics. We will continue to book foreign wrestlers such as Dalton Bragg and Ash, to work with the local Chinese pro wrestlers, as it’ll only elevate their abilities and allow them to become stars with the local Chinese wrestling fans. We will continue to work with Chinese pro wrestlers in helping them find their character that can relate to their culture. And we will continue to bring smiles to fans of pro wrestling in China!+
MKW held its first live events over the weekend of July 18th and July 19th and they were a roaring success with the Chinese wrestling audience.
MKW will hold its next show once again in the “CWE GYM” in Dongguan China on January 16, 2016. MKW – 摔角王国 will continue to excite our fans!
Thank you for support Chinese Pro Wrestling and Chinese Pro Wrestlers!