The numbers are finally in and MKW Bash at the Bay broke huge records for MKW and for our partner great MMC from Shenzhen, China. First, Bash at the Bay was the most viewed live event online in the sporting category for December 15th in China. We are extremely proud that fans of sports in China got to witness the exciting and wonderful athleticism of our MKW superstars. Next, with MKW Bash at the Bay having over 7 million unique viewers, this shows the near umlimited potential of Chinese pro wrestling. Seven million viewers is more than the number of most states in America and even the size of several western countries. This is incredible news for pro wrestling all over the world and Middle Kingdom Wrestling hopes to spotlight even more pro wrestling in China with our MKW branded events and superstars.
We would like to thank MMC for being a wonderful and supportive host for MKW Bash at the Bay and the millions of fans that viewed, liked and commented on MKW’s biggest event of the year MKW Bash at the Bay!