Middle Kingdom Wrestling has reached a milestone today! YouTube has granted Middle Kingdom Wrestling VIP status as a YouTube account because of the high level of activity found on our YouTube channel in a short period of time.
After less than 9 months of being an active pro wrestling promotion, MKW has reached more than 500 subscribers on our official YouTube channel. MKW has filled a niche that fans have longed years for, and that’s Chinese Pro Wrestling. With over 25000 views divided by less than 20 videos uploaded on our official YouTube account atwww.youtube.com/c/middlekingdomwrestling, we at Middle Kingdom Wrestling are overwhelmed by the fan reception of our excellent product and our premier show, “MKW TV: Chinese Pro Wrestling” which is currently in its second season.
Furthermore, Middle Kingdom Wrestling’s social media services have also connected fans all over the world and when combined together, the numbers are truly staggering
Here are our current statistics:
YouTube: – 501 fans, 25000 views, 50000 minutes of Watch Time!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/middlekingdomwrestling – 1373 fans
Google+: http://google.com/+middlekingdomwrestling – Almost 30000 views
twitter: https://twitter.com/AdrianMKW – 515 active twitter followers
website: www.middlekingdomwrestling.com – More than 4000 unique visitors just this month
微信/Wechat: MKWrestling fans section – 71 followers
Tumblr: http://middlekingdomwrestling.tumblr.com/ – after just six weeks after launch, we have 35 followers
YouKu – http://i.youku.com/u/UMzIxMzQ5Nzk2MA== 63 followers, nearly 20000 views
Middle Kingdom Wrestling has introduced brand new Chinese Pro Wrestling stars like “The Selfie King” and Taiwan’s “LENBAI” and others, while also combining the roster with Hong Kong born “Ash Silva,” Chinese Pro Wrestling scene veteran “Da Li Sam” and Death match master and current MKW champion, ”Dalton Bragg“
To add further depth to the Middle Kingdom Wrestling roster, we’ve introduced established Chinese Pro Wrestling stars to the MKWroster with “Ho Ho Lun” and “The Slam.” We also feature premier guest talent from Singapore, France and the U.K. We are in talks to possibly bring four Indian pro wrestling stars to China for an event later this year.
Several Middle Kingdom Wrestling talent will be featured on May 15th, in Shanghai. We look forward to seeing you there!
Middle Kingdom Wrestling has always had one goal: To Bring smiles to the world and we feel comfortable that going forward, Middle Kingdom Wrestling will be able to bring smiles to not only China’s 1.4 billion strong population, but to the whole world.
Thank you MKW fans! You guys are awesome!