What are you doing this Summer? Let’s wrestle !
Beginning July, 10 — you can join our MKW |Pro Wrestling Training Center club ! Maybe you are destined to be in this business ! We at MKW believe that every fan of sports and entertainment have a hidden talent within them to be someone in the pro wrestling business. Our aim is to cultivate that talent and make you ready to one day make your professional debut at a real, live pro wrestling event with MKW.
How to join: Sign up within 24 hours of each training slot time (must commit to two hours), bring your own clothes to sweat in and get ready to learn all about the pro wrestling business from some of the best guys in this whole region. There are no commitments here. Come and go to each class as they come. We will record your hours so you can keep track of how many hours you have gotten into your training. This is a pro wrestling club !
What’s more:
We plan to use the MKW Training Center to run academy shows ! Which members of our MKW Pro Wrestling Training Club will be selected to perform on our student academy shows in front of a real paying audience ?
Extremely affordable club meet up times —
Price: 60¥ per 2 hour club meet with experenced pro wrestling coaches and character development teachers !
Monday evenings at 7:30 PM-9:30 PM
Thursday evenings – 7:00 PM-9:00 pm
Sunday evenings – 8:00 PM-10:00 PM
Location: Kangpai International Fitness Center in Daowai district, Harbin.
Address: 哈尔滨市道外区东直路与太平南三道街交叉口西北100米
MKW Pro Wrestling Training Club will go from:
July 10th until September 14th !
你好 我们是MKW摔角王国