MKW Presents: China WrestleConnection
Location: Shenzhen, China
Date: September 16, 2017
MKW舉辦: The WWE live event in Shenzhen on September 17 is going to change the landscape of pro wrestling in China forever and the MKW team welcomes WWE’s Shenzhen debut and we would like to wish the WWE a safe and successful event in China !
But more importantly this is more about the pro wrestling fans in China than just simply any one company.
With thousands of pro wrestling fans that will be present in China for this monumental event – MKW is partnering with the biggest Super fan of Pro Wrestling in China at large today – CHESTER YAU — to present a unique opportunity for pro wrestling fans to gather in one comfortable location at ZICCO in Shenzhen, China on the night before the WWE Shenzhen live event. Our aim is to allow the Chinese pro wrestling community to all meet up together in one place to hang out and make new friends with people who also share the love of pro wrestling. This interest that we all share has brought together millions of meaningful relationships around the world and we want to continue doing this for our unique MKW fanbase in China. MKW and Chester Yau recognize the importance of these bonds and we aim to give back to the pro wrestling fan base in China with this special party we are calling: “MKW Presents: WrestleConnection”
Along with a live showing of the NJPW live event “DESTRUCTION IN HIROSHIMA” that will be displayed at the party, there will also be a unique opportunity to meet and greet with MKW superstars. This opportunity will give several members of the pro wrestling community in China to meet and hang out together with larger than life pro wrestlers for the very first time. MKW is not only a group of pro wrestlers and organizers hungry to take the pro wrestling industry to the next level in China, but we are a family and the pro wrestling fans are forever the most significant part of this incredible MKW family.
The host venue of this MKW sponsored party will come equipped with comfortable seating arrangements, games, drinks, snacks and other activities. And what is more: Later this week we will make an announcement that will surely get you even more pumped up to come and join us for ..
MKW Presents: China WrestleConnection
Details below:
活動時間: 2017年9月16日 16:30-20:30
場館: ZICCO玩咖
16:30 – 入場預熱
20:30 – 完場結束
預定名額: 50人
報名費: 30元 先到先得, 滿額即止
報名方法: 1. 加微信: chesteryau; 2. 轉帳報名費30元